
Showing posts from January, 2013

Properly snowbound

Today is very, very cold. says it's -3°F, feels like -16°F.  That is the coldest weather I have ever experienced.  It's so cold, our internet isn't even working well - super intermittent. For the first time since moving to the Great North Country, I am taking the bus in instead of walking the 1.8mi into work.

Romantic notions

It was a grand and romantic idea, having an anonymous blog, but I've decided that the world is not quite ready for that :)  This blog will also be for people who know me, and yes, my mom will probably read it.   The holidays were excellent, and all the snow here melted the week we returned to the North Country.  Now I can walk to work without fearing for my life - people here are a bit lax about shoveling the sidewalks (and streets, too, actually! Where on earth are our insanely high property taxes going?), and there were whole stretches of positively treacherous ice/snow that scared the daylights out of me.  If I make it through this winter without landing on my head, I will chalk it up to an unambiguous success. Work in the new year is busy as ever, but I'm trying to do my best to balance work with fun stuff.  It's going better than last semester, which was insane because of the move to a new city/house/job.  I made a new lab website and one ...