
Showing posts from January, 2015

13 months!

I have exactly zero time to post this, so I'm writing it over lunch while I wolf down leftover pizza.  Baby is doing great!  We are walking full time now - mostly without incident, although we did have a traumatic face plant last night resulting in a lip injury and a not small amount of blood, yikes!  She has 30 words (if you include animal noises, which are indeed used in context and reliably as a surrogate for the actual animal name) and maybe 20 signs.  Adorably, she has some words that she'll only speak (mama, dada), others that she'll only sign (milk, more, please), and some that she always says and signs simultaneously (help, bath).  I suppose it's a little like being bilingual! We are in the beginning stages of true toddler-dom, complete with toddler tantrums.  We had our first public tantrum meltdown this weekend at the zoo, which included flinging herself on the ground while screaming and kicking.  I had to try very hard not to laugh.  ...

Husband's birth story

This post is very, very different from anything that I've written.  I don't think of myself as a control freak, but ever since I read it, I have been fighting the urge to edit it before posting.  However, I keep reminding myself that 1) the blog is (semi-) anonymous, and 2) the whole point of blogging is to put out things that are raw, true, and unedited, and 3) I don't think I've ever read a full birth story written by a dad out on the internet, which means this thing is rare and therefore important.  Soooo...I've successfully fought off this urge and you are getting the verbatim words that husband wrote, no matter how much I might cringe at them myself :) Secondly, it's so raw that it needs a disclaimer: it's gross, intense, and definitely not safe for work.  I, in fact, may never read it again.  If this disclaimer makes you not want to read it either, I totally understand - please take this opportunity to move along to some other part of the internet! ...