Rh negative drama
*** This is another older, previously written post. Resolution at the end :) *** My blood type is A negative. Several of the women along my mom’s side of the family have also been Rh negative, a number of them far enough back to pre-date RhoGAM shots and to have tragically lost/nearly lost Rh positive babies to hemolytic disease of the newborn ( Rh disease ). I grew up hearing these family stories and feeling so incredibly grateful that something existed to save any future Rh positive babies of mine from anemia and death. Rh incompatibility is no joke, and RhoGAM has been a true life-saving miracle since its introduction in the 1960’s. However. My husband is AB negative. He doesn’t just test negative serologically - he and I also both genetically test homozygous for the fairly common “European” deletion of the entire RHD gene that is responsible for 99% of Rh- phenotypes among Caucasians. Although such is not always the case for two Rh-...