Dressing a baby for a North Country winter
Since I expected the whole “getting pregnant” thing to take much longer than it did, I never imagined that I’d have a new baby in the dead of winter. As I have also never lived in a place with real winters before last year, I have spent a good portion of this pregnancy pondering how one possibly dresses a newborn for a North Country winter.
Through this webpage, I ended up reading the official Finnish guide to motherhood, which includes this incredibly helpful graphic that tells me, in no uncertain terms, exactly how I should dress my baby for the winter - and the box gives you everything you need to do it!
Now all I have to do is figure out how to find some wonderfully nice Finnish person to procure a box for me so that I can be prepared :) (Finnish moms get them for free, but apparently there is some way to buy one, and I am fully prepared to pay some good money for this!)
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