Another quick post

Not a lot of time here to write, but I wanted to do a quick update.  The theme of the last two weeks has been immune system challenges!  The unprecedented happened last week when husband, for the very first time in our entire relationship, caught the cold that I had.  Literally, germs in our family have only ever travelled in one direction - from him to me, even when he doesn’t show any signs of infection - which has left me feeling seriously immunocompromised for several years.  Apparently, our systems have now equilibrated, but the downside to that is that husband also has asthma, so colds are way more dangerous for him than me.  We took him to urgent care on Saturday after 24 hours of some incredible wheezing, and he’s on much more high powered asthma meds now until he can recover.   He also had an ear infection (to which he’s also prone, poor thing), so he’s on antibiotics for that as well.  It was a busy weekend.

I’m still not *quite* over my cold yet either, but I’m doing much better.  I also got my Tdap and flu vaccinations, so I’m on the two week wait for those to kick in and start transmitting antibodies to baby.  Can I just say that I love my midwife?  She didn’t even blink when I asked about preservative-free flu shots, and indeed, that’s all she ever gives to pregnant women.  Also, she’s pretty magic at abdominal palping, and baby is big enough now (1.5kg!!) to be reliably felt in just about any position.  She’s currently breech again, but she flips every couple of days, so we’re not really worried yet.

In response to more of my aunts and uncles getting genotyped through 23andme (yay, data!!), my mom wrote me a really interesting email detailing my great-grandmother’s experience with Rh disease.  I’m going to ask her if I can post it here as a guest post, and I’d like husband to write some kind of guest post at some point as well.  Current hope for husband's guest post topic?  Pregnancy Guide for Rednecks, where he talks about how big baby is in comparison to state record fish.  We were at “jumbo perch” stage a few weeks ago, and then I think we passed through the “slab crappie” stage (or maybe the other way around?).  In any case, it’s endlessly amusing for me hear about funny names for fish and how seriously husband predicts and then assess the merits of each state record, and you should be able to experience it, too :)

Hope everyone is having a good fall so far!  I loooooove watching the leaves turn :)


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