Pregnancy in review
Since I’m getting pretty close to the end here, I decided to make a list of the things that surprised me (and those that didn’t) during my pregnancy because I’ll never remember them all later. I read approximately 7000 pages of pregnancy books before getting pregnant, so I thought that I had a fairly good idea of what I was getting myself into - I was right and I was wrong. This list might evolve over the next week if I think of more things to add.... Things that were far worse than I expected: Oh, the drool! Copious amounts, coating my hair, face, pillow, and clothing any and every time I lost consciousness. Pretty disgusting, and definitely not normal. Back pain - I did nothing with my life but ice my broken lower back, twice a day at least, for the last four months of pregnancy. Yup, four months . Primates are not optimally designed to be both bipedal and pregnant. Nasal “congestion” - not real congestion, as there was nothing in there!...