Birth weight estimation
Very quick post - yesterday’s palpation-based fetal weight estimate from the midwife got me thinking. I pulled this equation from somewhere at some point, but this is the original citation:
This equation is only meant to work for:
- Caucasians (or Hispanics, Nahum et al. 2004)
- singleton pregnancies
- no complications (gestational diabetes, blood pressure issues, etc.)
- babies delivered after 37 weeks
- no fetal abnormalities (e.g., chromosomal)
- non-smokers
- women with accurately dated pregnancies
birth weight (g)= gestational age (days)
× [9.38 + (0.264 x fetal gender)
+ (0.000233 × maternal height (cm)
× maternal weight @ 26 weeks (kg))
+ (4.62 × 3rd trimester maternal weight gain rate (kg/day)
× {parity +1})]
gestational age = days since LMP
parity = number of previous pregnancies
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