We had Maya’s two month appointment (and shots!) yesterday - she handled everything so well! She is now 24 inches (20.2 at birth) and 11lbs 12oz (8lbs even at birth, dropped to 6lbs 14oz at her lightest while my milk took its sweet time showing up). Percentile-wise, she’s mid-range for weight, and she’s on the tall side of average. Frankly, I thought she might be up over 12lbs because we had to go into size 2 diapers (which are supposed to be 12-18lbs) a full two weeks ago, but no, she just makes a LOT of poop and it overwhelmed the capacity of size 1’s :) Icicles at the ped's office - yep, it's still winter, and my patience is waning. So what is Maya like at two months? Alert, kicking, and still not napping (I’m writing this very, very quickly while she watches me from her swing). She’s very independent - she still doesn’t much like to cuddle, preferring instead to be on the floor watching everything around her. I’m still working on her, though, ...