Ugh, reflux (or, "New insights into the lack of naps")

I think that poor Maya is kind of reflux-y.  We have decided that this is just a normal part of baby development that she will outgrow, but it's currently contributing to her crankiness.  She spits up A LOT (most disheartening when she's such a, well, violent nurser, so it's already a major feat for me to get milk into her...and then she barfs it all up all over my shirt), and lately, she's basically been spitting up a fair amount of clear liquid that I can only deduce is stomach acid.  She's gaining weight just fine, sleeping beautifully at night (still just waking only to feed, then going right back down), and is mostly a pretty happy baby.  This means that doctors would qualify her as a "Happy Spitter" who doesn't need treatment.

However, it does bother her at certain times every day.  The pressing issue is that it wakes her up from her naps, which then makes her tired AND reflux-y, a lethal combination.  Really, the only solution that we've found so far is to wear her basically *all day long* and if it's nap time, just bounce her continuously on the yoga ball so that she'll sleep longer than 10 minutes.  You can imagine how much housework I'm getting done on a schedule like that!

Boy, I hope she outgrows this soon.  That, or I get much better at doing work on my computer while bouncing.  I think the latter will be my salvation, in the end.

Also, just to let you all know that this is actually a thing, it turns out that I have sharp suture filaments sticking out of a suture knot that the surgeons left, which is poking me in one spot just below my incision and which will likely poke out of my skin at some point soon.  Yep, poke out THROUGH MY SKIN.  The doctors refuse to go in and fix it now, but insist on waiting until the spiky filaments emerge from my belly like some kind of bot fly, just on the off chance that they manage to dissolve on their own before needing treatment (could take a year to dissolve).  In the meantime, as you can imagine, it feels like I'm being poked in the incision all the time.  Fucking awesome.

(ETA: Yes, you can feel it from the outside.  It feels like the point of a staple, which was what husband and I originally thought it was, pushing up against the skin.  It feels sharp even to him!)

OK, enough of the bad news!  Other than that, things are going great :)  We got the owls up (see photos below)!  The baby is huge!  She had her first longish visit to campus yesterday, where husband entertained her while I went for my 6 week postpartum visit - and it wasn't a disaster!  She met everyone in his lab, saw some dinosaurs, and slept a lot.  Then, I brought her on a cold but successful walk to the building where my snakes are hibernating, which I think she enjoyed.  She does like being worn, and she does like moving around.  Who's looking forward to spring and beautiful OUTDOOR walks???? :)

Maya and I are planning another trip to the botanic garden this week since it's going to be super ass cold again, so hopefully we'll take even more photos this time!

And so I leave you with some owls...I think they came out pretty well!

We put the pieces up with painters tape so that we could move them around
if needs be.  In this photo, the left side is finished and the right is still under

Two of the owls - finished product!


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