Three months!
Annika is currently at daycare while I write this post (so I'm totally stressed out...although it is getting ever so slightly better each time I leave her), but it's somehow already time for her three month update, so I better write something! I am running to the pediatrician's office this afternoon to drop off a physical form for Maya, so while I'm there, I will try to convince them to let me into a room to quickly weigh her - I'm guessing she's somewhere between 15-16lbs. I will update her growth charts if they let me in! At three months, Annika is becoming more and more fun. Yesterday, I even got a couple cough-like proto laughs while trying to tickle her! She's still a very serious baby, but she's starting to become a bit more social. Near the end of this month, I intend to try her out in a high chair to see if I can get her sitting at the table with us for dinner. In light of that, I'm working hard on her sitting skills - we'll see i...