Three months!

Annika is currently at daycare while I write this post (so I'm totally stressed out...although it is getting ever so slightly better each time I leave her), but it's somehow already time for her three month update, so I better write something!  I am running to the pediatrician's office this afternoon to drop off a physical form for Maya, so while I'm there, I will try to convince them to let me into a room to quickly weigh her - I'm guessing she's somewhere between 15-16lbs.  I will update her growth charts if they let me in!

At three months, Annika is becoming more and more fun.  Yesterday, I even got a couple cough-like proto laughs while trying to tickle her!  She's still a very serious baby, but she's starting to become a bit more social.  Near the end of this month, I intend to try her out in a high chair to see if I can get her sitting at the table with us for dinner.  In light of that, I'm working hard on her sitting skills - we'll see if it pans out.  Even with the support of the high chair, it might just be too soon.  We haven't mastered either reaching of rolling yet, but we're making progress - last night while getting her PJs on, she grabbed onto a stuffed sloth (yes, we're weird) near the changing table and wouldn't let go.  Husband came out of the girls' bedroom with him holding onto Annika and Annika holding onto the sloth.  It was pretty funny :)

Things that Annika loves:
- Sucking on her fists, big time.
- Bath time.
- Going for walks outside in the Ergo.
- Nursing.
- Kisses on her belly.

Things that Annika hates:
- The carseat.  Oh. My. God. it was sooo painful to drive all the way to in-laws house this weekend.  While listening to the blood-curdling screaming, I said aloud that it felt like my soul was being sucked out through my eyeballs and Maya responded, "Mama, that's ridiculous!  Your soul isn't in your eyeballs!!"  I laughed and asked her where it was then.  "In your leg!!"
- Getting out of the bath...still.
- Sun in her eyes....still.
- Letting Mama eat any meals at all.
- Poking herself in the eye while trying to get hands in mouth.

Aside from that, all is still par for the course here.  We have officially exited the fourth trimester and she's looking far more like a baby than a newborn.  She's starting to lose her baby hair, so we're entering the bald phase.  She's very vocal, so I'm looking forward to the first real babbles.  She's sleeping pretty well, and co-sleeping is still a total godsend - she doesn't even cry at night, not even a little.  Just one more month to go and then I can even start calming down my SIDS panic! :)

I will update below with both a photo and some stats later today...we love you, Annika!

15lbs 8oz, 25.25 inches! <3 <3 <3


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