Seven ounce morning is a good morning indeed!

If there was one thing I could tell all new moms about pumping when they're first starting out, it would be to be kind and patient with yourself if you can't pump a "milk waterfall" right out of the gate. It took me a LONG time and LOTS of practice to get good at pumping - just like any new skill!  Some women will respond well to the pump right away, but many others (like me!) have to train themselves to pump well, including lots of trial and error.  But lo and behold, I got much, much better at it over time!

Here's today's 10 minute pumping session while I did online shopping:

I didn't have to try very hard for this, and I could have pumped more
if I'd wanted to (but Annika won't drink even this much at daycare, so I don't bother)

I've posted this photo before, but here's my very first pumping session when Maya was about 6 days old, which took like 25 minutes and I cried the entire (painful!) time:

Christmas Day, 2013: I worked very, VERY hard for this 0.5 ounce of milk

So see, new moms, progress can happen if you give it some time and keep trying!

Also, here are the twinsie babies this morning before school - I am so *in love* with both of them:

Maya wanted to have an "all orange twins" day


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