15 months - all grown up!

I only have a few minutes to post because a) we moved my entire department to a new building on campus this week (I *never* want to move an entire lab again, it was horrible and still not finished) and b) husband is about to leave for Peru - the kids are in rare form this morning and it's epic. I feel like I was already in a stress debt from writing a zillion lectures this semester, and then the summer has been equally stressful and sleep deprived, so I have retained the debt long after I thought I would clear it. We took Annika for another blood draw this weekend to see if her anemia is improving with the supplemental iron, but I have to say, she still eats a ton of non-food items, so I am skeptical. Her WCC appointment went well, though, and she is nice and huge. Developmentally, she still seems right on track - running, climbing, talking. I still can't understand most of what she says (because it literally all sounds the same), but she's *trying* to make tons of w...