An early 15 month stats

Annika went to the pediatrician this morning for her 15 month WCC, so I thought I'd do a quick update of the growth charts and throw a few recent photos up!

Maya, Annika, and I flew alone to California - the plane rides were nothing short of a disaster, but we survived.  Annika only slept for 5 minutes on one of the the four legs, basically crashing out as we landed at my parents' airport.  Good times.

Maya is going through a bit of an ill-behaved phase, but we are trying to suss out the root of it (unclear) and provide a strong, yet supportive, framework for her to re-find her center.  P.S. I think her teenage years might break me.

Enjoy the photos!

Sisters in a box ("sister" is one of Annika's favorite new words)

The *only* time she we taxied in

The 30 seconds I got to spend on the beach before
Annika went ballistic about the wind 

Story time with Grandma Judy!

Do you ever have a day where nothing seems like
it's what you *want* to wear?

I think the grandparents read "Caps for Sale" about 3000 times

Annika found Maya's markers - thankfully washable

Babies eating frozen corn in front of a spring fire

Looking for hognose snakes on a cold, rainy spring day

Maya liked pretty much all the invasive flowers :)


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