Cuarentena total
I'm going to take advantage of my literal 10 minutes of kid free dead time to write the fastest update that I can! Last night, Panama declared a "cuarentena total," meaning that we are not allowed to leave our house except for a two hour window as designated by our passport numbers that can only be used for "groceries and emergencies" (apparently, jogging does not count as an emergency). Our kids, who are already "spirited" (when I'm feeling generous in my description of them) will literally run us both into the ground (forget science!) if not carefully managed. Maya's school keeps trying to send us work, but I'd say we've managed ~50% of it, and with a lot of bribes. These kids literally cannot sit inside a house for 6 weeks, maybe longer. However, we knew it was coming, and that it might last a really long time. So, we did something totally extravagant but I bet key to our salvation, in the end - we rented a second house (larger...