
I often wonder how long (if ever) it will take before the North Country feels like “home.”  The only two places that ever really did (Arizona and California) were each my residence for almost 15 years a piece. That’s a long time.

Happily, I’ve been spending the last week escaping the miserably humid North Country summer in beautiful Central California.  The weather has been perfect, we found 75 species of birds in two mornings without really trying at all, and I’ve gotten to blabber on for hours with my mother every morning over (her) coffee. Husband went on to LA on Sunday, but I stayed here for more adventures, doing tons of yoga and eating fantastic olive oil (hey, I can’t drink the wine!).  Here are some fun photos that we took so far, along with the obligatory 20 week bump photo.

At my aunt's house - I miss the ocean :(

The bump, 20 weeks.

The family gender reveal!
(The inside of the cake was colored pink - this is the only "cutesy" thing I have done so far.)

One more bump photo (more dramatic),
with my mama, who is very excited about her grandchild!

Some of the family, including my niece (center, front),
reminding me what I have to look forward to.

Returning back to “not home” will be bittersweet at best, although I am very excited to get back to my beloved kitty (who has probably destroyed the house in her disapproval of our absence).


  1. Cute bump! I love it! Eat many many burritos and fish tacos for me while you are there...


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