A blast from the past

In contemplating a second pregnancy, I made the mistake of hunting down the handwritten journal I made during weeks 4-8 of my pregnancy with Maya while I was doing field work in Australia.  I had no access to books or internet while I was gone, so I literally wrote everything in the back of a field notebook.  I have transcripted the entries here for your *enjoyment*:

3 April 2013 - 4w0d
Officially 14 dpo (minus half a day for the time change)!  Two positive tests, no sign of period.  No sore breasts, and no awesome pregnancy boobs :(  Biggest complaint: BUSH FLIES.
Earlier: was dizzy days 5-10 dpo, but much better now.  Overall, I have felt great, although it’s not super easy acclimating to the temperature change.  I am a swollen balloon and can’t get my wedding ring off.

4 April 2013 - 4w1d
Third positive test!  No longer ambiguous, line is much darker.  Slight nausea all day, but overall, all is well!  P.S. It is hot.

5 April 2013 - 4w2d
Uber crampy all day :( Good thing I read so many pregnancy books, otherwise I would have been really worried.

6 April 2013 - 4w3d
Cramps are MUCH better today :)  All appears well! Not even feeling pukey…but still no sign of awesome pregnancy boobs. [author note, 2016: I *never* got awesome pregnancy boobs, so this was a wasted hope.]

11 April 2013 - 5w1d
Still intermittent cramps, last night was pretty bad.  Woke up a little pukey-feeling this morning, but felt much better after I was up and moving.  Still very swollen.
I am covered in insect bites.
Oh, plus, boobs are finally sore. Still all going well!  No bleeding at all.  Neural tube closure begins today!

17 April 2013 - 5w6d
Boobs SO SORE that last night I dreamed about how much they hurt. Fairly continuous low grade nausea and cramps.  Otherwise, still doing well - 4th positive test, hCG line went pink before control :)

22 April 2013 - 6w4d
SO SICK I WANT TO CRY.  Since last entry, nothing but paralyzing, all-consuming nausea.  Down to eating very little, as bland as possible.  So sick all the time :(

29 April 2013 - 7w4d
Smells of everything (food, plastic, tires, myself [=dirty]) makes me want to yark.  No sign of abating, I’ve had debilitating nausea for two weeks straight.
So sad :(

2 May 2013 - 8w0d
STILL VERY SICK, but learning to tolerate the pukey-ness a little better.  Cramps started up again yesterday, still going today.  I guess I’m making it, but…. 


I had forgotten the sore boobs entirely, actually, in my memory of the pukey-ness. These entries remind me that I have approximately 10-12 days from getting a positive test until I begin wanting to die.


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