
So first thing's first, in case any of you are worried about us - I have officially gone 20 days in a row with no bleeding!  Not even spotting!  Hopefully, that means that the SCH is completely gone, but I still have 2 more weeks before the anatomy scan when I'll know for sure (I couldn't get an appointment until 19 weeks).  I am up to walking an average of about ~3.5 miles a day, although I go quite slow and I'm still too scared to do yoga (inversion still seems like a bad idea).  Overall, I am feeling more optimistic and *definitely* looking very pregnant.

One thing that has been fun so far about pregnancy is how it makes me nostalgic, especially for food from my yesteryears.  Salsa from my favorite taqueria in San Francisco, salad from my favorite pizza place in New Mexico (ok, and some green chile pizza, too, yummmmmmm), veggie sushi from my favorite place I went to in grad school - I crave them all.  Cravings are definitely stronger this time around, although perhaps equally (even more?) difficult to actually satisfy.  During my very cold and snowy days on house arrest after Maya was born, I did cry on the phone to the head office of the NM pizza place and get them to ship me a six pack of salad dressing (it was something like $10 for the dressing, $70 for the shipping...but I was desperate!) - but I probably can't play that trick again!  In any case, it is always fun to stroll down memory lane :)

Other than that, things have just been super busy around here.  Teaching has been going well, and I'm working on a pretty huge collaborative grant that's due soon (will be AWESOME if it gets funded).  I'm pretty tired all the time and go to bed too early, but I think that's as much due to the pregnancy as the lack of caffeine (I am drinking a tiny bit, more than with Maya, but certainly not my pre-preg 3 lattes a day!).

Maya is doing well.  Although she moved up to the preschool room in May, they've just started the "school year" curriculum in September.  She is now learning her letters in earnest, she has homework (kind of), and she gets to bring things for show and tell on Fridays.  We recently bought her Halloween costume (a lemur - she's SO excited), and I've secured most of her fall/winter clothes and shoes, except for new snow boots.  I measured her today, and she grew more than an inch in a month - nearly 37.5" now!  We are struggling with manners and listening, as she certainly loves to be naughty.  On a good day, though, she really is the most fun, creative, awesome kid imaginable :)  We went to the state fair recently where she had a blast (went on rides!), and we caught a groundhog (!!!) in our yard after a big rain and flood.  We are very much looking forward to the leaves changing.  Overall, life is pretty fantastic :)

I have no new photos to post, but I'll try to take some over the next couple of weeks so I have something to post the next time!


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