I'm just going to feel sorry for myself for a second. I have been really happy since Annika was born because breastfeeding was going much better than it had with Maya. Not great, mind you, and still a lot of pain, but definitely less than the first time. I still have one bad nipple crack that I'm working to heal, but I've been making progress. Well, now I have an infection - a big red sore patch on the top/side of the left breast that doesn't feel like a plugged duct (no lump). I've been nursing pretty much every single hour (sometimes Annika sleeps and I make it two hours, fancy that!) both day and night since she was born. Last night alone I nursed at 8, 10, 12, 1, 2, 3, and 4:30, at which point I passed her off to husband in desperation until 7 when she really started crying. I am definitely nursing frequently enough that I absolutely should NOT be getting mastitis!! I can't say that's what it is yet, and hopefully I can nip it in the bud and keep it und...