Someone loves her daddy :)

Adorable, eh? :)

Sorry that posting has slowed down - it's been a busy week! I'll try to pick things up again now that husband is back at work (half days) and there's a LOT of baby + me time....

On the work front for me, I managed to review a paper yesterday, which made me feel inordinately proud of myself :) Today's a day "off," then it's on to reviewing grad applications - I was given 20 to review, yikes! Wish me luck!

Here's a disgruntled face from Maya - happy Thursday! And happy new year!

Oh!  And two last things!  We had another ped appointment this week, and two days before she was two weeks old she had regained her birth weight plus some - 8lbs 2oz, we are so proud of her!!  She'd fallen to 6lbs 14oz at her lowest, which scared the bejeesus out of all of us (my milk came in really late - function of the c-section?  Stressful labor/birth?  Just because?  We'll never know) - so this is HUGE progress!  Also, the peds ordered a proper blood typing test (hospital only ordered Rh factor and no ABO typing - yeah, guys, we KNOW she's Rh negative already, come on!) and Maya is officially A-, just like her mama, grandma, and (probably) great-great-grandma :)  Now we wait until she's old enough to spit so we can 23andme her and find out if she's AA or AO, what fun!


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