Stuck inside and missing California

Whose great idea was it to have a newborn in THE NORTH COUNTRY in DECEMBER???

Sorry, this is just a quick vent.  Right now, it's 4°F outside, and everything is covered in about 8+ inches of snow and ice.  Thus, little Maya and I are completely stuck inside the house - and I am going a bit stir crazy :(  I am running out of indoor-oriented "activities" for her to do each day, and I am seriously considering wandering the mall a few times a week.  If she were a bit older, we could be more adventurous in trying museums, etc., but she is still soooo tiny that all I really want to do is to take an afternoon walk around the block or to our local park each day...and we absolutely can't until it warms up a bit.

If we still lived in California, this would not be an issue.  I wouldn't even care if we were still living in crack alley in Oakland (yes, husband and I did this for 2 years), I would *welcome* the walk past the drug deals going down at the house with the tin-foiled windows.  Seriously.

It's very hard not to miss home :(

Any suggestions of other indoor activities to do with a two week old?  We do (sponge) bath time, tummy time (both of which she hates), music time (which she'll usually tolerate).  We also just spend time cuddling, and I try to do a few light chores around the house while baby-wearing, although this is still a bit difficult with my still sore incision (I'm totally off all pain meds though, even ibuprofen, so that's progress).  Her naps are not long enough yet to allow much else to be accomplished...we need some great ideas!  We're currently relying too heavily on both the swing and a pacifier, and I want to do better than that.

On the bright side, this weekend will warm up to near freezing, so I'm going to try to take her out for a walk in the ergo with my baby-wearing coat.  I expect that she'll still need to wear her way-too-big snowsuit, but if I don't take advantage of this "warm spell," I won't get out of the house for forever - next week is predicted to be even colder than this one.

This is what our deck looked like yesterday...I am sad :(


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