Another short post

It seems like short posts are all I get to do nowadays!  I have like three seconds while she *discovers* some things on her activity mat (this week's activities are "reaching" and "rolling"), while work things continue to stack up.  I feel inordinately proud of myself for accomplishing the following so far this morning - I won't tell you what (read: how much) is still left on the list, because it might make you cry:

- reviewed my grad student's manuscript (while baby was still asleep)
- nursed baby
- got her down for mini nap
- pumped (trying to get a tiny freezer stockpile completed, shooting for ~60oz, but I can only pump well after nights where she only wakes up twice to nurse.  If she's up more than that, it's not worth the work of washing the pump parts :))
- nursed again
- emailed some pics to my mom
- practiced rolling

Anyway, the big news of the weekend is that she laughed for the first time yesterday - in response to her daddy rough housing with her by bouncing the crap out of her on the bed, which she LOVES.  I feel wonderfully proud, actually, that her first laugh was with him and not me (and trust me, I've been trying to get her to laugh for the past week - and trying hard!).  I have the best husband in the world :)

Here are some quick pics of life, beginning with a tummy time series:

Tummy time is starting to go a little better!

A sunnier disposition :)

So proud of how strong she's getting!

I spend an inordinate amount of time holding her upright after feeding to try to limit the spitting up - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.  Mostly we still do a LOT of laundry :)

This is a common view for me!

Since she's only 3 months, I'm not *quite* ready to call it, but I'm pretty sure she got blue eyes :)

I made these photos a little larger so that you can appreciate how blue her eyes are in the light!

Anyone else brave enough to call it yet?

And I'm sorry the quality on the videos that I'm posting is so bad - I haven't figured out how to make blogger not compress them so much!  Anyway, this is for the sound more than the image anyway - Maya's new sound for the week :)  Better than the pterodactyl sounds, in my opinion!!  (Although she still makes those as well….)


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