Three months!

A few days late, but so it goes!  Here's a little update about Maya's progress over the last month :)

I snuck into the pediatrician's office yesterday for a clandestine weight check, simply to get a 3 month data point for her (I can measure her length and head circumference on my own).  I also wanted to know her weight for my own peace of mind - my breastfeeding technique/schedule/ratio to pumping seems to change weekly (and sometimes change drastically) as I try to take cues from Maya herself, but that always leaves me wondering if she's not getting enough milk, or maybe not the best foremilk/hindmilk balance.  Not that she looks too skinny (although she doesn't look super fat either, especially when naked) or that she acts like she's starving, but she's the kind of baby that would literally nurse all day, every day if you let her…like, continuously, and not just during growth spurts, so she always acts like there's not enough boob in her day.  Plus, she's also still a champion spit up queen, so how much she actually "eats" is definitely up for debate.  Anyway, lately she's been nursing more frequently, but sometimes not for very long, and I've been pumping for my freezer stock now that she (kind of) takes a bottle…anyway, I was worried.

Well, her three month stats are more than fine.  She weighed in at a whopping 14lbs 2.5oz with a clean diaper on, so she's probably right around 14lbs (~80th percentile).  She's 25 inches long (96th percentile).  As my mom puts it, this is why she's in 6 month clothes.  Therefore, I'm going to make a concerted effort from here on out to be less neurotic!

At three months, she's becoming more fun every day.  She's started paying attention to books when we read to her (well, sometimes), she's becoming a lot stronger, and she is MUCH more vocal.  She's intrigued to no end by husband and I eating, even trying to mimic our chewing, which makes me excited for her to start solids (don't worry, we're waiting until ~6 months)!  She loves to sit with us at the table during meals, and due to her fairly good sitting skills combined with my complete lack of coordination eating one-handed, I'm contemplating the purchase of some kind of high chair (probably one that attaches to the table).  She's also starting to laugh, although she's a hard audience to please, so laughs are few and far between!

While her sitting skills may be impressive (probably due to how much time I spend holding her upright after nursing in my anti-reflux campaign), her rolling skills are pretty sad.  She's also showing no interest in reaching for toys, although she will grab our hands and put those in her mouth.  She *hates* wind blowing on her, which makes going outside a struggle, especially when it's still pretty cold - not good for us outdoorsy people.  She can also still throw some pretty epic fits, especially right before bed,  And for better and for worse, she's liking cuddling more and thus demanding to be held more often.  I LOVE the cuddles, but it sure does make it hard to do any work :)

For the next month, we are looking forward to some warmer temperatures and time outside!  Keep thinking good thoughts about rolling over during tummy time….

Here we are this morning while writing this blog post!


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