
Showing posts from September, 2013

A boring post

I have been lagging in my posting mostly because I’ve been super busy with work, but also because absolutely nothing exciting has happened.  I feel like I’m in a bit of a pregnancy lull, just waiting it out patiently until things pick up a bit.  I also caught a light cold, so I’ve been valiantly fighting it off with lemon tea, throat drops, and sleep.  Can I just say that I miss being able to take drugs - or even Zicam, for heaven’s sake - when things are not going well health-wise?  I know this probably seems contradictory to the fact that I want to labor med-free, but I promise that it all makes sense in my head :) As promised, husband and I went to our local mom-to-mom sale (way to go, husband, for being one of like three Y chromosomes there!) to pick up really cheap clothes for the baby.  It was a reasonable success, I think!  We spent $100 total, and we got literally dozens of outfits in assorted sizes from true newborn through 6 months.  We still need a few other things (mor

Thank god for zulily!

One of the most unexpected things to me about pregnancy (which really should have been obvious to me ahead of time) is the fact that I now fit into literally none of my old clothes, especially clothes that are appropriate for work.  I expected a lot of things not to fit, but I thought that there would still be a fair amount that I could wear.  However, all of my old shirts have become midriffs, and I fully cannot button (or even zipper) any of my pants.  Even my most low-riding skirts squish the baby at the waistband to the point where I can't concentrate on work very well if I'm in a sitting position (ok, who are we kidding, I can't really concentrate on work anyway, but it's even worse when wearing one of these skirts).  I have an entire closet full of clothes, accumulated over the past 15 years (honestly!), and I can't wear any of them.  And I still have 12 weeks to go!!! The good part about this is that all of the clothing catalogs that arrive in the mail now

Training for labor

Husband and I took our “Preparing for Birth” class, and we actually feel really...prepared.  All the other women in the class expressed a fair amount of fear, and maybe I’m just horribly naïve, but I’m feeling pretty good about labor and delivery.  I’m actually sort of looking forward to the challenge!  We have a birth plan, it’s flexible, we’re practicing, and I feel pretty confident in my baby, myself, my husband, and my awesome care providers.  Hey, if our daughter can survive 5 weeks of being continuously scrambled on washboarded Aussie dirt tracks during early cell division and organ development, she can handle a few inches of descent and some rotation.  And it will be so, so much fun to (finally!) meet her :) That said, I plan to go unmedicated.  Because I’ve never given birth before, however, the best analogy to the labor and delivery process that I can estimate is a really, really horrific athletic event (like maybe back-to-back marathons) while simultaneously experiencing


I need a quick break from work today, so I’m going to write a blog post.  I do have a few other gems already written, but they’ve been slated for later posting :) Although our basement is still not finished (or even started) - meaning we are unable to actually decorate the nursery yet since it is still a guest room - I have begun planning.  All of my baby development books say that infants respond best to black and white, but I can’t wrap my head around a zebra print baby room.  I think I’d get dizzy.  So instead, I think we are going with a more traditional “pastel + gray” route, as simple as possible and reasonably unisex. As biologists, it will be unsurprising that we are thinking of a “wildlife” theme.  We sort of have a wildlife theme to our whole house, actually.  I have a rather unhealthy obsession with both owls and dinosaurs, and I expect both may figure prominently in decorations.  We’re even discussing the possibility of a fish tank once we have a better sense of how