Cuarentena total

I'm going to take advantage of my literal 10 minutes of kid free dead time to write the fastest update that I can!  Last night, Panama declared a "cuarentena total," meaning that we are not allowed to leave our house except for a two hour window as designated by our passport numbers that can only be used for "groceries and emergencies" (apparently, jogging does not count as an emergency).  Our kids, who are already "spirited" (when I'm feeling generous in my description of them) will literally run us both into the ground (forget science!) if not carefully managed.  Maya's school keeps trying to send us work, but I'd say we've managed ~50% of it, and with a lot of bribes. These kids literally cannot sit inside a house for 6 weeks, maybe longer.

However, we knew it was coming, and that it might last a really long time.  So, we did something totally extravagant but I bet key to our salvation, in the end - we rented a second house (larger, and with air conditioning to facilitate at least sporadic baby naps).  No, we did not unrent our first house (smaller, but with a much better view) - we are indeed living across two houses!  They are right across the street from each other, so we literally do a quick check for cops, and then scurry across the street whenever we feel like the walls are closing in.

Unanticipated bonus: second house has an avocado tree, with nearly ripe fruit.

I wish I could find the words to explain what all of this means in my life, the good and the bad - how the impact of little things have become unbelievably huge (my mother-in-law doing "school" for Maya one hour a day is top of the list - she has my undying gratitide), how I've found myself suddenly using the last drops of everything before getting rid of the container (or more often, then repurposing the container in exciting and innovative ways), how scared I am for the health and future of people all over the world.  I will need some time to process all of this once it's finished, I expect, and my life will never be the same again.

So we are on Dia Numero Uno of Cuarentena Total - this is probably the best it will ever be until it's over.  However, I will post as often as I can to keep a record of what this sliver of history was like.  In the meantime, here's what distance learning looks like for us for the moment - stay safe, everyone!

We of course have no printing capabilities, so we
*hand drew* a world map (with terribly inaccurate ocean sizes)
in order to show where coronavirus outbreaks are happening.


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