We made it!

Maya and I have officially survived our first extended time on our own while husband traveled (he did a trip in January, but my mom came for that and rescued us). Moreover, we are smack dab in the middle of the 3-4 month sleep regression, and we still survived! It wasn't pretty, but we made it :)

Then, sort of humorously, we went and picked husband up from the airport yesterday right as Air Force One was flying in. Obama was giving a speech at the university, and every single freeway overpass between the airport and Ann Arbor had cops on it as husband and I were driving back home. We went out for a great lunch at Zingerman's Roadhouse to celebrate my recent birthday, and we kept joking that we were going to run into Obama there - but apparently he only goes to Zingerman's DELI when he's in town, not the Roadhouse. Too bad for him, he's missing out on some *killer* mac & cheese! 

And bonus, Maya was well behaved during the meal, too :) At least for the moment, we can apparently take her out for meals without incident!

As the weather has warmed up, Maya has started to like walks outside more. Instead of just hiding miserably from the wind in her ergo until she finally falls asleep, she now looks around in fascination and takes everything in. We went walking in the woods yesterday, and she spent the entire hour with her head tilted back, mesmerized by the (still leafless) trees. A whole hour! Plus, the spring salamander migration is about to begin - as soon as we get one good, hard, warm rain - and we'll be taking her out for that too! I missed it last year because we were in Australia, and the spring before that I was still in California, so this will be a first for me as well :)

We didn't take a lot of photos while husband was gone because I was so incredibly sleep deprived, but here's one from yesterday in her big girl spring clothes! She got her daddy's INSANE cowlick :)

And one of more spring clothes from a few days before that - no more snow suits, yay!!


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