And so we are alone

My family all left this morning to head back to sunny California (we have like 7 inches of snow on the ground here right now, but it's in the 70's there today).  Thus, husband and I are now officially back on our own - albeit with a lot more food in both the fridge and freezer - to conquer the impending arrival of the quite stubborn baby.  I feel more disappointed for my family than myself, especially for my mom, that they didn't get to meet the newborn that they so wanted to see.

The other thing that saddens me about their departure is that I was very much looking forward to having my mom around while I am learning how to breastfeed - now I literally have no nursing veterans here to whom I'm close enough that they would feel comfortable coming over and helping me repeatedly shove my baby on my boob to get the latch right if we have issues.  My mom was a championship breastfeeder, and I was very much looking forward to her expertise.  Of course there are lactation consultants and I am happy to use them...but it's Christmas and such appointments will be more difficult to obtain than usual, especially on short notice.  I'm not stressing about this, per se, since I've read a bunch of books/watched videos/feel prepared, just sad that it didn't work out.

I'm working myself towards a place of acceptance about being so overdue.  Sometimes, babies just won't come without help, and ours appears to be one of them.  An induction is, in fact, not the end of the world.  Perhaps in the times before modern medicine, I simply would have been one of those rare women with a 44 (or more) week pregnancy, and perhaps that wouldn't have worked out so well for the baby.  At some point, I think you just have to find some peace with the challenges that present themselves to you, and this is ours.

So I'm just going to try to go into Thursday with an open mind.  The inductions at our hospital are a slow, three day affair ("We don't just blast them out with pitocin!" was the humorous description), so it will be a long process even after we begin.  My attempt at writing a full blog post on my phone yesterday resulted in all sorts of layout hiccups, so we will probably post by computer for the most part.  We will, however, keep the blog semi-updated, one way or another, until the baby is OUT.

Keep your fingers crossed for us that all goes well!


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