Barreling at full speed to 41 weeks

No Friday the 13th baby, unless she comes really fast.  Moreover, she is now officially late by ALL known metrics (early ultrasound - Dec 5, LMP - Dec 9, ghetto-acquired ovulation date - Dec 12).

Membrane stripping wasn't as awful as I anticipated, and it did give me some contractions both yesterday and last night (with a break in between).  BUT...I'm only dilated to 1cm and 40% effaced, so there was only so much the poor midwife could do for me.  Guess that we try again Monday!

I suppose that there's always a chance that I'll go on my own before Monday, and if so, I promise to post an update.  Otherwise, no news is news!

In the meantime, enjoy your super Friday!  Maybe do something a little bit spooky tonight, just for me :)

ETA: here's one of my squirrel Christmas cookies from yesterday - we have had a LOT of squirrels at our feeder this fall :)


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