Planning an end game

This is just a very quick update after my appointment this morning with my midwife. I have a couple of really fun blog posts started, but not yet finished, and I have to actually work today (potentially my last day?), so you're getting the "hi, I'm alive, and I'm still pregnant" update instead.

As we are now at 39 weeks, we have entered the "window" where the baby could come at any time over the next two weeks.  I am ready (especially after I finish the things on my to do list today!).  However, I am continuing to feel not very labor-y, so I personally think that it's still going to be a while.  Baby's heart rate is strong and even, my belly size is measuring on schedule, and all appears to be going well, so there's no real rush.  However, the one thing of note that I did do this morning was schedule an induction for the night of December 19th (41w3d), although my midwife would like me to push that off until the night of December 23rd (42w0d).  Husband and I have until next Monday to decide whether to move the induction or not.  I am incredibly on the fence about this, and for some not-so-justifiable reasons.  I really, really want to avoid an induction if I can, and most of me really believes that I'll go into labor naturally by the earlier date anyway (and statistics are definitely on my side for that), so it doesn't really matter.  Induction is simply a back-up plan, just in case.  However, I also worry about placental insufficiency, and I'm not sure that they'll monitor me seriously enough over week 41 for me to remain relaxed all the way until the 23rd.  I only get two non-stress tests - doesn't seem like enough monitoring.

Embarrassingly, though, one other thought is nagging at me that I wish would go away: if I get induced the night of the 23rd, the baby will almost assuredly be born on the 24th or 25th, and she'll have to live the rest of her life as a "Christmas baby."  I wouldn't have wanted that for myself, and I don't want that for her.  I mean, no matter what, she's a December baby, so she'll get a bit of the Christmas thing anyway.  But it's still more intense if she's actually born on Christmas Eve or Day.  This has nothing to do with me caring about being in labor on a holiday - because I really couldn't give two shits - so it is all about her.  But this nagging thought annoys me because it's not her fault that I stupidly got pregnant in March instead of February or April, and all babies should have the right to bake until 42 weeks (as long as it's safe!), no questions asked.  We would be denying her that by evicting her at 41+3, even with perfect non-stress test results.

What would you do?

But really, it's only a matter of a few days in either direction.  Probably not that big of a deal either way...and in the meantime, I will be doing everything in my power to make induction a moot point! :)

More updates soon!


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