Look at the stars

Look how they shine fooooor yooooou....

We are having some problems with jaundice. Not to make light of things too much, but the worst outcome of this so far is that annoying Coldplay songs run loops in my head whenever I look at her :)

They were all yellow...argh, turn it off!!!

I am having a pretty rough recovery myself and still have not fully processed by birth experience as things continue to go wrong, so I'm going to hold off on writing my birth story post until I can be more balanced about my perspective. Until then, just wish me luck with the spinal headache (yeah, the epidural failed so I had to get BOTH an epidural and [TWO attempts at] a spinal). Lame.

I'll post some more cute photos of the baby tomorrow since those are always fun :) Here's one to tide you over!


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